
Let's Make This Official!

Take the Next Step to Step it Up in Contents Restoration

Plenty of restoration professionals are already doing some contents work because their markets need it.
Why not take the next step and become an official contents restoration provider?

When you join Blue Kangaroo Packoutz, we’ll help you develop specialized contents expertise and equip you with the resources you need to succeed as a full-service contents restoration business. Some of those resources include:

  • The industry’s most in-depth contents restoration training - Comprehensive initial training program is the longest in the industry
  • A business model designed to help you grow - Built to work around your existing restoration business’s infrastructure and capitalize on the opportunity already present in your market
  • Ongoing support from in-house contents experts - Business coaches and technical specialists continue working with you every step of the way
  • Top-of-the-line tools, methods, and technology - Top-quality results with the most advanced cleaning tools, proven restoration methods, and the latest inventory technology

Don’t just do contents - make it your specialty. Call 866-222-3385 or fill out the form below to learn more today.

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